I received this ebook from NetGalley. I'm not sure what it was that originally appealed to me about this book- perhaps the relationship between Lizzie and her husband John Diner Tredevant, the social upheaval during the time of the French Revolution, the plans for the terraced buildings on the edge of the gorge? Unfortunately, I wasn't really drawn into the book too much. It was okay. I enjoyed reading it, but I found myself lost a few times. I'm not sure if I was thrown off by something in the writing or if I just became disinterested in some point. If it sounds appealing to you, give it a chance, I just didn't connect. There were a few parts of the story that surprised me (in a good way) and kept me wanting to read the book, but I don't want to give any spoilers. I will say that I really disliked John Diner Tredevant. You know how sometimes you meet someone and they seem "off?" I got that feeling about this character almost immediately. I don't know if I have ever been so subtly bothered by a character. Thanks NetGalley and Atlantic Monthly Press.
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