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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Reading challenge(s) updates

I'm taking part in 3 reading challenges this year. My favorite so far was the Keyword Reading Challenge. Unfortunately, the blogger who was hosting the challenge decided to take her website down. Fortunately, I cut and pasted the prompts when I blogged about it in January. So, super excited that I'm continuing on my own. For this challenge, you were supposed to read a book with one of the keywords of the month in the title. I have completed 10/12 books! Go me.

Goodreads challenge- My goal for the year is50 books. I'm up to 42 so far.

My Mount TBR Challenge is that- out of the 50 books I read, I would like at least 24 of them to be out of the stack of books I've been hoarding saving for a later time. So far I am up to 21 out of 24. So, I'm generally happy with all of my challenges for far. This is the latest book I read:

    This book is about boy named Eric who is looking forward to spending his summer at a lakeside "cottage." His family ends up renting a giant home called Pinecrest, which once believed to a former dr. at a mental hospital who has been missing for a few years. While exploring with his 2 friends, Eric discovers a hidden room in the carriage house of the property and strange things begin to happen with the boys as well as within the town. If you like thrillers, this has a pretty good story but I was disappointed that some things were kind of left hanging. With that being said, I read at my dr's appointments and at night and I finished it in a couple of days. 

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