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Thursday, January 1, 2015

One Word 2015

     Happy New Year! Last year I leaned about One Word 365 and decided that instead of using resolutions, I would choose 1 word to guide me throughout the year. (You can read that post here.)  Last year's word was rejuvenate and although I do not feel completely rejuvenated, I can see the impact that that word had in my life last year. Here are some examples:
- A renewed love in being close to God and trying to remain close when it would be easy to run away.
- The ability to say no to things that will not be rejuvenating.
- The courage to try art, just for my own enjoyment.
- Rejuvenated relationships and intentional time with friends and family.
- Giving up my department head position at school in order to have more time at home and less time being anxious about things that weren't really my issues. This was a huge decision for me, and one that many people did not understand, but it was a very healthy decision.

     The word I have chosen for 2015 is CREATE. I had thought of my normal goals like "declutter" and others but I found that sometimes if I concentrate on something that seems negative, my attitude goes in the same direction. Being a music teacher, you'd think I'd be very creative but I'm pretty limited in my creativity. This year I plan to create:
- Art (Mail art too. Always inspired, encouraged and challenged by my friend Ashley on this one!) I'm starting my first art journal this year, thanks to some awesome gifts from my sister-in-law Anne. I am also going to be working through some prompts at Daisy Yellow.  If you enjoy art and encouragement, Tammy is amazing and I have learned a ton this year from her prompts and by looking at art that others have submitted. Check it out!
- Friendships. I would like to be open to taking a risk and developing friendships with some acquaintances I do not know well.
- Opportunities- For myself, my family and my students.
-Space. (Declutter?) I have TOO MUCH stuff. I have been organizing and purging items from my apartment this week and I'm starting to see (and feel) a difference. I would like to live somewhere that I feel relaxed and at home. Currently I feel buried in all the extra stuff that is all over the place. (As I was cleaning I realized that I have a TON of extra paper, journals, notebooks, etc. No more buying these until all are used up.)
- Experiences- Again, being open to trying new things or pushing myself outside my comfort zone.
-Music. Celebrating the gifts God has given me and sharing them with others.

      I think that focusing on creating all these things will bring me much joy in the upcoming year. It will also help in some goals I always have- getting the house organized, losing weight and getting more healthy in general and growing in my relationship with God and the people He has put into my life. I am also going to restart my 366 project in the hopes that I will actually finish it this year. First letter of the year is going out today to Donna in Canada.
     What are your goals for the new year?


  1. Thank you for this! :) I've chosen "words" the past 2 years but was struggling to think of a word for 2015. I almost gave up on it, until I read your post. Then I thought, "No, you can't give up!" It took me until January 3, but I've decided my word for 2015 will be CELEBRATE. I want to celebrate life- the simple moments, the awesome people God's placed in my life, the tough times that God is growing me through, every little moment is worthy of a celebration. :) I have other "silly" goals, like drinking green smoothies regularly, losing 10 pounds, running 60 miles, keeping my kitchen clean, making my own toothpaste, etc. But mostly, I just want to celebrate. I don't want to be swept away by negativity and the lies of Satan. There are far too many good things to focus on. I like how our words kind of go together... I look forward to seeing (and hearing about) all that you create. And I promise to share my celebrations! Cheers to 2015. Cheers to your friendship!
